Natalie Portman said "Awards are so unnecessary, because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in itself." I agree with her.
Friday, Oct 22 I received a beautiful medal as one of 12 "Influential Women in Scouting" for the Utah National Parks Council. It was the first time they had made this kind of recognition, and are planning to continue recognizing women who have made a difference in their sphere of influence in Scouting. I was kind of embarrassed, but very happy. Most of my children and their spouses were able to attend. I was also surprised and happy that my bishop, George Richardson, a member of the Stake Presidency, Mike Barclay, and member of the high counsel, Steve Johnson had come to support me and Arla Otten, who also is in our stake and was recognized.
The other item concerns an article published in the Scouting Magazine that is sent to all registered adults in Scouting. In August or July, I responded to a question about discipline in meetings, and mentioned that I had been a den leader for 25 years. I got a phone call from the magazine. The editor of "What I Have Learned" section talked to me, and said "You know it is unusual for someone to be a den leader for 25 years!" He asked if I would be willing to be interviewed and spotlighted in a future Scouting Magazine. We exchanged email questions and answers. They sent a photographer from Park City to take pictures, and last Saturday I got an advance copy of the magazine - and the article was there. Monday, it came in the mail to everyone. www.scoutingmagazine.org/issues/1011/d-wivl.html
I was glad they chose the picture of me and the kids. There were some nice ones taken of just me, but - well, it's all about the kids.
That being said, sometimes working with kids is hard. No doubt about it. Some days they don't come. Some days they are hyper and can't stay focused. Some days they are moody and uncooperative. Some days they are so eager to learn and love everything you do. I can't tell you why it is different because there are as many reasons as there are kids. But I do know that the boy or girl that is having trouble, needs Scouting the most. They may be the hardest to work with, but they are worth the effort. I wouldn't have it any other way. It keeps me stretching and trying to find ways to involve and motivate them. It makes me try harder. It makes me be more organized. It makes me a better leader, and a better, more patient person.

We actually got an email from my cousin about it. He was flipping through the scouting magazine and came across the article. We are so proud of you!! You are a great lady and an excellent example.
I have to agree. That was an amazing article. And you are an amazing woman. As embarrassing as it is for you to get recognized I'm SO glad that you are. You deserve a BIG round of applause for being the super woman you are. I imagine myself reading your biography to my grandkids someday. I think you are an amazing example of making a difference. I'm so glad you're my mom. I am one lucky girl.
I knew you were great the moment we met, and I'M Glad I know you too! I feel your influence when you're around here, as well, and am inspired by your good works and upbeat example. You are deserving of these awards and more.I Hope to keep learning from you, you're one of my heroes.
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