IT'S FALL. Finally, the air as turned chilly and the leaves are turning color. The lawn is about through growing, and I got my sweaters out. Fall has it's own joys and beauties, but for me it means getting ready for the holidays and birthday seasons to come.
We had our Fall Family Birthday party on Saturday. It was fun to have everyone (except Anne and her family) together - watching the grandkids play and siblings sharing news and stories and getting to know each other better as adults.
Thoughts now turn to Thanksgiving and gratitude, Christmas and giving, our anniversary and our family. I am so blessed. Everything I could have dreamed of for my life has come to pass - and more. True and lasting love and affection, support and comfort from my good husband. Seven children who continually amaze me and impress me with what they are doing, learning, becoming. They are so wonderful. I won't pretend that there weren't days that I wondered if they would survive their youth - but they all have - and with flying colors. I love to watch the way those with children are raising them - with love and encouragement and joy at every milestone. I love that they, all but the youngest ones, know me and like to talk to me on the phone or come visit. Lily spent a week with us while Mary was recuperating from appendix surgery and Aaron was sick. She knows and loves us and is comfortable here with us. As these young ones get older they, too, can spend time at "Camp Grandma" . I love being a Grams.
As the air gets colder and the days turn gray and brown, my heart gets warmer, and glows with the light of love.
Lol. I didn't know you called it "Camp Grandma" too. We've been talking about Lily's summers at "Camp Grandma" since before Lily was born! We love ya mom!I'm so glad Lily knows and loves my parents.
I like Aaron's "Cousin's Camp". too.
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