I haven't written for so long. The crises items have passed, and we have passed on the Christmas Home Show - we just won't be ready. But in the middle of all the busyness, life happened.
James and Cami were joined by Hudson Kevin Armstrong on Oct.23. He was 7lb. 3oz. and 20 " long. He has lots of dark hair, and looks a lot like James when he was a baby. He is sooo beautiful. All went well and they are adjusting to no sleep, lots of work, and so much love.
Then just after midnight on Tuesday we got a phone call that Bob's mom passed away in the care center in St. George, where she has been for two years. She was 97 1/2. She was alert and fun to talk to until the last, but phyically getting weaker every day and not eating much. Monday she had her breakfast and took a morning nap, slept all day, and slipped away during the night.
If you know me at all, you know I hate funerals.(I don't plan on going to mine!) But Bob is the only one in Manti, where the funeral was to be, so I had to help him with arrangements, casket, obituary, program, printing, etc. Bob's siblings, Nedra,Karl and Judy, arrived Friday, and the funeral was Saturday. All my kids, including Anne and little Miriam from Maryland, were there, and most of their spouses. I think there were only three grandchildren missing out of 19. There were also some of Bob's cousins. We had a photographer come the the luncheon afterwards to take group and family pictures. I did ok. And, as funerals go, it was beautiful.
So, autumn has come. It has given, and it has taken. So goes life.
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