Most of you are too young to remember, but a popular act on many of the variety TV shows during the 60's or 70's was this guy who had a long stand into which he stuck several - a dozen or so - thin bamboo sticks. He would take a china plate and start it spinning atop the thin pole, then he would start a second one, and a third, hurrying back periodically to grab and rotate a pole to speed up the spinning of a previously started plate that was starting to slow down and drop to the floor. This craziness continued until all twelve were spinning.
I have often compared my life to this spinning plate act. Running from near disaster to near disaster, crisis to crisis, trying to keep so many things going at once. Well, I'm doing it again.
Plate #1) I, as an assistant council chairman for our Boy Scout Council, am in charge of a Sector leadership meeting tomorrow night, which is no biggy, except it is 45 minutes away.
Plate #2) I am supposed to be in Delta (1 1/2 hours away) on Thursday to visit their RoundTable since they won't be to Wednesday's meeting. I have to leave immediately after Girl Scouts at 5:00.
Plate #3) I am also in charge of a Sector wide District Committee Training Workshop on the 27th, that, although I've known about for 2 weeks, have only now began scrambling for instructors from council - members of the committees on finance, membership, program, advancement, health and safety, etc. Plus I need a really good opening ceremony (I can solicite such from my meeting tomorrow), and lunch.
Plate #4)Girl Scout Awards Ceremony and Bridging (some of my girls to Cadettes and some of Deb's Brownies to mine) Thursday, the 25. (Which is also the evening that I am supposed to be on a computer/telephone training to be a delegate for the Girl Scout Service Unit - Hey, everyone else has has two turns since I did it last). So, when I go to SLC to do genealogy on the 24th, I will go pick up the awards, etc.
Plate #5) Mandatory GS Leader training here in Manti from 5:30-8:30 (00ps, I'm supposed to call and reserve the building. Just a sec.)
Plate #6) September 30 is Cami's baby shower!! Right after Cub Scouts, at 4:40,Granny and I will drive to SL area and have fun. Home late, but looking forward to it.
Plate #7) A dear friend called to ask if I would take her place on a committee for Cub Scout Leader PowWow in our district, being in charge of finding teachers, making sure they are informed on budget, classroom location, time limits, etc, and that they show up. About half of this has been done. The PowWow is the end of October.
Plate #8) Oct.3 - SLC for GS Events Training (I do Day Camp) 6-9 pm, leave at 3:30.
Plate #9) Oct 7, Orem, for first official duty as GS Delegate, 7-9, leave at 5:30. One hour after Cub Scouts.
Plate #10) Primary Program. I play the piano. I have played for years, love to play, but never have played really accurately. Okay for just me, family and the Primary kids, but better get some practice in before this is done for Sacrament Meeting.
Plate #11)I want all my bedrooms done, and my house clean, for the home show the first part of December. I have actually hired a gal in my ward who is a champion de-clutterer. I would invite all applicable children to come home soon and clean out your various boxes, drawers and closets before we get to them.
Plate #12) Next room - the largest bedroom is getting hardwood floor,(we're doing-it-ourselves laminate), a nice radio desk for Bob, the TV (huge!) that James gave us, a daybed/couch, and ALL of our hobby stuff - yarn, crochet, quilting, paints, fabric, scrapbooks, etc, and Bob's radios and electonic projects -from all over the house is going in there. Then the room his stuff was in, Karen's old room, will be made over in 1930's pink and roses and dolls. The computer room, where most of my mess is, will just have genealogy and Scout stuff, and my closet will be cleaned out enough to actually have clothes in it!
So, there are my spinning plates. Hope you enjoyed the show.
1 comment:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know how you do it all, Bev. You are amazing!
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