I went with Bob on Friday to Provo, and worked on the landscape quilt while he precepted in the Family Practice residency program. I ran a few errands, but mostly just hung out. We ate Panda for lunch and Fazoli's for dinner, spent a little time at the new mall in south Provo, then went to our motel. ( Bob had called the residency to make reservations for us - turns out they paid for it, too!) We watched the last part of the Olympics opening cereony( My repeated comment throughout was -"wow, did you see that?").
In the morning - early- I drove Bob to Lindon (north of Orem) to a testing center where Bob had to take his Family Practice Board Exams - renewed every 5 years. It is an all day thing, so I had planned with Karen to go spend the day with her. It was Midvale's Harvest Day celebration. She had run the 5k earlier (it was her third race, and she came in 5th in her age group at 30 minutes 32 seconds ). Jeffrey was MCing the parade. We called Mary and Aaron, who had morning plans, but said they would join us at the park later. We watched the parade across the street from where Jeffrey was announcing. He had prizes he gave away during the parade - like a lint roller to the guy with the longest hair. I won for having the most children - my prize was a pregnancy test!
Ned and Kim are moving to SLC on Wednesday, and because they wanted to bring a UHaul up then they needed to bring their car full of stuff up ahead of time, and we agreed to drive them back to Richfield from SL if they did it Saturday.
So Karen and I went to the park (Jeffrey had a book signing at a sporting goods retailers convention) and watched Greek dancers and listened to Greek music, and looked at the booths, etc. Pretty soon Ned and Kim came.They called David, and he came over. Mary and Aaron showed up a little later, and I had fun just watching my kids interact, discussing their latest concert venues and upcoming "gigs", talking about moving and apartments and work and plans. I sat there thinking how cool it is that my kids are friends.
After a couple of hours the kids went to Karen's to hang out while Karen and I went to get my hair cut and she grocery shopped. When Bob called to say he was finished, we went to Karen's, and I picked up Ned and Kim and drove to Lindon to get Bob. We drove about 30 minutes to Spanish Fork for Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Ned was talking about all the movies Bob HAD to see, one being "Ironman". We had noticed it the night before at the dollar movies in Provo, so after a little discussion, we drove BACK to Provo and went the the movies. We got Ned and Kim home about 11:00 and we got home about midnight.
But it was fun to touch bases and visit with the kids. I envy Bill's weekly and sometimes daily contact with his kids. I hear from the 'far away' girls at least weekly, sometimes more often. James calls and updates us on Cami's dr appts and his travels with work. I am loving this time in my life.
I'm glad you enjoy us, because sometimes I worry that we drive you nuts. ;D
Man, reading your blog made me homesick! Someday (probably not soon)...but someday I hope to live close enough that i can stop what I'm doing and spend the evening with my family.
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