I have new visitors to my bird feeder. Our regular friends are back - the crowned sparrows, lazuli bunting, house finches, house sparrows, dark eyed juncos, lesser goldfinches and American gold finches.
Then this morning I saw a brand new beauty! I had to look it up. It had the shape of the black headed grosbeak we have occasionally seen, but it was yellow-orange underneath, dark head with a yellow circlet just across his forehead, and the wings went from the dark on it's head to white and black
wings. I googled images for grosbeaks and found them. They are evening grosbeak. There is a male and a female, and they are absolutely breath taking. (Got these pictures off google)
I also have the wonderful delight of having Ned and Kim here for the summer. Kim finished classes, and the on-campus housing they are living in is being demolished, so they needed a place to stay until the fall, or until Kim gets a job. They are expecting Alice mid June, so I will have a newborn here, as well! Can't beat that!