I love babies. I loved being a new mom - every time. The smell, the warmth, the softness, the cry, the way they limply fit into your arms - I love it all. And being a Grams is so wonderful. Holding a new life in my arms, especially when it is the child of one of your own children, is a miracle.
Mary gave birth to Quinn Dalton Ludwig on March 14 just after 6 pm. She chose natural childbirth, and asked Anne to fly out from Maryland to be her dulah. After a long 10 days of on and off labor, she went to the Dr., then to the hospital Monday morning, and started intense labor on her own about noon. Quinn is a beautiful child, and healthy, and loved.
Kim and Cami are both due in June. I love that they have all been sharing and caring for each other. I love that even those that aren't expecting now are excited and willing to help out those that are. I love that these little ones will have aunts and uncles and cousins.
I have been busy starting and not finishing a dozen projects related to these babies. I laugh when I run across a sweater I started crocheting and thought was too big, so started another, etc. Quilts and quilt projects, blankets - and I have three Christmas stockings to knit before Dec! I need a month or so to just finish projects.
So, instead of going to a quilt retreat this spring, I am going to have my own! I am going to take the last week of March while Bob is hiking the Grand Canyon, and I am going to do nothing but finish projects at home. It is spring break for the schools, so no Cubs or GS. I am even going to eat out every night, like I would if I were gone to a retreat. I expect to get lots done. I am going to set a quilt up in the kitchen to work on when I don't want to sew anymore. I am looking forward to this!!