Monday, May 10, 2010
I wanted to describe the feelings I had while watching my oldest Grandchild, Caleb, be baptized May 1st in Seattle. Actually, even in the hours before, watching the love that surrounded he and his cousin was amazing. I could see that great effort had been made by everyone involved to make this day special for them. Peace was the dominant emotion. At least it appeared that way.
Caleb was very excited, a little shy/overcome by all the attention, but to the core - happy. His sisters were tickled and excited. Anne and Mike were glowing. I was so glad to be there. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
I have great joy in my children and my grandchildren. My children have grown into young men and women of integrity and compassion. All of them have made me so proud. Each of them have their own struggles and their own gifts. They are unique and wonderful. They have chosen well their paths in life, and have fallen in love with wonderful spouses that fit so perfectly into our family. They are still growing and learning and becoming, but they are all facing the right direction and moving forward.
I wondered, long ago, what the draw would be -what strings would attach me to grandchildren. Having adopted a son, I should have known that you definitely don't have to deliver a child to bond eternally with it. I have done that already. And so it has been. As I have held these little ones in my arms, loved and cuddled, teased and changed, kissed and played, they have become a part of me, a part of my heart. I delight to hear of each milestone, see the candid photos and hear their little voices on the phone - even those who don't talk yet. I love that they smile when they hear my voice. I am so glad that some of them are within reach when I get lonely for them, and that we have the ability to bring closer those that are far away.
I am blessed.
On a lighter note = birds are returning. Black headed grosbeak, American Goldfinches, and new visitor (where is my bird book!!) have joined the winter stalwarts. Spring is finally here.